How to connect to MySQL Server using Navicat Premium

Navicat Premium is a rich features and powerful Database management software. It supports multiple database servers such as MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQLite. Database administrator will love Navicat because its easier to manage the database, tables, create or delete schema, manage users etc. Before we can manage the database, we need to connect Navicat to the database server.

This tutorial uses Navicat Premium version 11.1 installed on Windows 10 64 bit edition. You can obtain the latest version of Navicat Premium from this official website.

Steps to connect MySQL/MariaDB Server using Navicat Premium

Step 1. Open Navicat Premium

First, open Navicat Premium program and then click on Connection to open any available Server types supported by your Navicat.

Click MySQL or MariaDB depends on the server you want to connect. On this example, I use MariaDB.

Step 2. Enter the MariaDB Server details

Give a name to the new connection, hostname or IP address of the MariaDB server, port number (default 3306), MariaDB Username and Password.

It is recommended to test the connection first. Make sure the it successfully connected. Now you can press OK to save the connection.

Now our new connection is completed. Double click the connection name to start connect to the MariaDB Server. You will see any schemas, tables and all detailed information about the MariaDB Server.



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